Get Mailbox Sizes Email Address
In this case, the cmdlet returns the statistics for all mailboxes on all databases on the local server.. microsoft com/library/mt432940 aspx) Examples-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------This example retrieves the mailbox statistics for the mailbox of the user Ayla Kol by using its associated alias AylaKol. NetSearcher download free free version
In this case, the cmdlet returns the statistics for all mailboxes on all databases on the local server.. microsoft com/library/mt432940 aspx) Examples-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------This example retrieves the mailbox statistics for the mailbox of the user Ayla Kol by using its associated alias AylaKol. 34bbb28f04 NetSearcher download free free version
-->General Mailbox Email Address This cmdlet is available in on-premises Exchange and in the cloud-based service.. To find the permissions required to run any cmdlet or parameter in your organization, see Find the permissions required to run any Exchange cmdlet (https://technet.. For information about the parameter sets in the Syntax section below, see Exchange cmdlet syntax (https://technet.. The -ne operator means not equal -------------------------- Example 6 --------------------------This example retrieves the mailbox statistics for a single disconnected mailbox. Adobe Acrobat Reader For Mac Os X El Capitan